The NERITES project was recently featured at the ‘SuperScienceMe’ event at Università della Calabria (UNICAL) on September 27th, 2024, in collaboration with partners from UNICAL and the Ministero della Cultura (MIC). This event, part of the annual European Researchers’ Night initiative, aims to bring science closer to the public and encourage young people to pursue scientific careers.
The European Researchers’ Night, an initiative supported by the European Commission since 2005, aims to foster public engagement with scientific culture. The event encourages citizens to explore scientific challenges through activities and discussions led by researchers. Researchers from national institutions, universities, and both public and private research institutes across Europe gathered to bring citizens closer to the dynamic world of science and technology.
At the event, an EU space stand showcased the innovative approaches and technologies being developed within the NERITES project. Additional details about the project were also published on the SuperScienceMe website under the EU Space projects section, providing broader access to the information presented.
The participation of the NERITES project in such high-profile events underscores the commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering public awareness about the preservation of underwater cultural assets. By leveraging platforms like SuperScienceMe, the project not only reaches a wider audience but also galvanizes community support and interest in marine heritage, conservation, and monitoring efforts