Dr. Barbara Davidde presenting at the ARCHEO Camp 2024. She is standing at a podium in a lecture hall, next to a large screen displaying the title slide of her presentation on monitoring underwater cultural heritage using autonomous technologies.

NERITES at the VIII edition of the ARCHEO Camp 2024

The NERITES project actively participated in the VIII edition of the ARCHEO Camp 2024 event, held from October 28 to November 3, 2024, at the Parthenope University of Naples. This gathering brought together groups of experts from the fields of underwater cultural heritage and blue culture technologies, providing a platform for exchange and collaboration.

Representatives from the Ministero della Cultura (MiC) and the Università della Calabria (UNICAL) attended on behalf of NERITES, showcasing the project’s commitment to advancing research in these specialized areas. Dr. Barbara Davidde, along with her co-authors Fabio Bruno, Antonio Lagudi, and Carlotta Sacco Perasso, presented a pivotal speech entitled “Monitoring Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites through Autonomous Technologies: The Case of the NERITES Project.” This presentation highlighted the innovative approaches and technological advancements being made by the project in monitoring and preserving Underwater Cultural Heritage sites.

The involvement of the NERITES project at the ARCHEO Camp 2024 underscores its role as a key contributor to the field and its ongoing efforts to promote the preservation and understanding of submerged cultural assets through cutting-edge technology. This participation not only reinforced the project’s visibility within the academic and professional community but also stimulated further discussions and collaborations aimed at protecting our underwater cultural heritage.