Graal Tech has studied, realized, and commercialized underwater mechatronic systems since 1998. The company started as a spin-off from the University of Genova and has become an important player in the Research and Development sector, by bringing value to different kinds of customers through the realization of configurable robotic solutions. The main strength of Graal Tech comes from its people. A constant care in selecting talents allows today to have a highly specialized staff of researchers and technicians with all the skills required for conceiving, designing, realizing, programming, and testing new smart mechatronic devices. In addition, the usual multidisciplinary approach to new problems allows the company to continuously face new technological challenges coming from the international market of R&D. Today Graal Tech is considered a valuable partner for R&D activities by a wide range of organizations, including Multinational Corporations, Governmental Institutions, international Research Centers and Academies, working in the fields of Oil and Gas, Defence, Space, Security, Oceanography and Environmental Monitoring.

The main role within Nertites will be the realization of the AUV transporting the LIBS and the QCL sensing devices, as well as the associated docking station enabling prolonged monitoring activities in the UCH site.